
This spring the Lund Centre for the History of Knowledge will organize a digital seminar series via Zoom. The language will be Swedish. For the schedule and more information, see Digitala kunskapshistoriska seminarier VT 2024 Welcome!


Due to current circumstances the upcoming seminars this spring are cancelled.  


We are very happy to announce that Lisa Hellman has been appointed Pro Futura Scientia Fellow and will join the Department of History at Lund University. In this capacity, she will become a new, integral member of the Lund Centre for the History of Knowledge. Hellman will take up this prestigious position in 2021. Lisa…


The journal Slagmark, founded in 1983, is the only Danish journal for history of ideas/intellectual history. Its latest issue is a thematic issue devoted to the history of knowledge, edited by Anton Jansson, postdoc at Lund Centre for the History of Knowledge, and Maria Simonsen, Aalborg University, Denmark, who belongs to the Nordic Advisory Board…


Lund Centre for the History of knowledge (LUCK) is pleased to announce that David Larsson Heidenblad and Björn Lundberg have received funding from The Crafoord Foundation for the research project Knowing the world. Children, global education and environmental activism in Sweden after 1945. The project aims to strengthen the research environment at LUCK by engaging the…


The earth’s carrying capacity, and when and whether it may be reached, have been major topics in post war discourses on development, economic growth and environmentalism. The debate was not a new one; Thomas Malthus’ 1798 An Essay on the Principle of Population had argued that population growth would outstrip food production. Post war processes…


In June 2024, our new edited volume Histories of Knowledge in Postwar Scandinavia: Actors, Arenas, and Aspirations (Routledge) will be published. In the weeks to come, we will publish a series of samples from the book. This one is based on Ragni Svensson’s chapter. Due to reasons that were both political, cultural and dependent on processes on…


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Working with uncatalogued archival collections is hard and time-consuming to the point of despair. Occasionally, however, the historian finds rare empirical treasures – at least it can be treasures if scrutinized against the right analytical background. While researching the early Swedish history of credit cards, I encountered the documentation of a book project from the…


In June 2024, our new edited volume Histories of Knowledge in Postwar Scandinavia: Actors, Arenas, and Aspirations (Routledge) will be published. In the weeks to come, we will publish a series of samples from the book. This one is based on Björn Lundberg’s chapter. In 1958, Canadian-born American economist John Kenneth Galbraith published The Affluent…

Histories of Knowledge in Postwar Scandinavia

In June 2024, our new edited volume Histories of Knowledge in Postwar Scandinavia: Actors, Arenas, and Aspirations (Routledge) will be published. This book is the outcome of a joint Scandinavian project. We have met for two productive workshops, one in Lund in June 2018 and one in Copenhagen in December 2018, both generously funded by…